We were going on a ski trip in Canada. It was a family road trip with my aunt whom I hadn't seen in years. Once we arrived, we went skiing. All of a sudden, I flew up very high while using a ski sled. If I hadn't grabbed onto the ski lift, I would have died. So, I grabbed onto it. Being very high up in the sky, I was scared and panicked. I was screaming for help, but no one noticed me. It was as if my voice was muffled. However, soon I calmed down quickly. I sought to think rationally and realized that if I simply held onto the zipline carrying the ski lift, I could slowly move forward and catch a ski lift. So, I remained calm, with my mind still and my hand secure. All of a sudden, when my mind was calm, I called for help, and everyone heard and understood my voice. Even so, at that point, I didn't need anybody's help. By that point, I had been patiently waiting for an opportunity to grab a hold of a ski lift. It felt as if asking for help would only lower my chances of survival. Yet, for some reason, I still did it alone. I grabbed onto the ski lift, and it safely took me over to the departure area where I was no longer in danger. Now, for the second part. After I descended safely, I was reunited with my family. We were walking to our reserved hotel in the snowy mountains. The walk to the hotel was nice. Since we were atop a mountain, we could see distant mountains and valleys. But all of a sudden, I had a feeling from another dream, a sort of otherworldly feeling I had never experienced in the mortal world, only in my dreams. In the far distance, lights, rainbows, and a green aurora arose, like the ones they have in the northern hemisphere. After seeing that, my mind turned inside out. It felt so familiar, yet it only gave me a sense of familiarity in my dreams. It felt so new, like an emerging distant power, a foreign object. The idea of it was so beautiful, an unknown and distant entity emitting a sense of metamorphosis. However, it also felt dangerous, as if it could consume you, swallow you whole, and make you an unfamiliar person even to yourself. It felt powerful, and it felt like it was approaching. It was so vast, something I might not be able to avoid. I had the feeling that it was looking at me.
This dream suggests that you may be facing some uncertainties or unexpected challenges in your waking life. The ski trip symbolizes the journey of life and the different experiences and obstacles that we face. The high altitude or height you achieve indicates a sense of achievement or accomplishment, followed by a sense of fear or anxiety, which can symbolize the dangers, uncertainties, and unpredictable events that we may face in our lives. The fact that you seeked help but then realized that you could handle the situation alone indicates that you have faith and confidence in your abilities to tackle challenging situations when the need arises.
The second part of the dream indicates a sense of wonder and awe at the possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead. The unfamiliar and unknown force or object that you feel approaching you symbolizes the potential for growth and change in your life. The aurora borealis could represent a rebirth or a new beginning, while the lights and rainbows symbolize the many different paths and opportunities that are available to you. However, this unfamiliar force feels dangerous and powerful, indicating that it is not without its challenges, and it may require you to step outside your comfort zone and take risks. Overall, this dream suggests that you are on the brink of a significant change or transformation and that you have the strength and resilience to overcome any unexpected obstacles that may come your way.